Welding Safety Tools and Equip (WLDG 1323);

Course Description: An introduction to welding careers, equipment and safety practices, including OSHA standards for industry.

Present & Past Syllabii

Sections and Instructors

Section: 1A2  Instructor: Antonio Menn Williams
Section: 1A2  Instructor: Antonio Menn Williams
Section: 2A1  Instructor: Robert Jones
Section: 9T1  Instructor: Lacharlee Kelly
Section: 9T2  Instructor: Lacharlee Kelly
Section: 9T3  Instructor: Lacharlee Kelly
Section: 9S1  Instructor: John McKeehan
Section: 9S2  Instructor: John McKeehan
Section: 9S3  Instructor: John McKeehan
Section: 9S4  Instructor: John McKeehan
Section: 9N1  Instructor: Daniel Odom
Section: 9N2  Instructor: Daniel Odom
Section: 9N3  Instructor: Daniel Odom
Section: 9J1  Instructor: Robert Fancher
Section: 9J2  Instructor: Robert Fancher

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