2024 Lamar Institute of Technology Foundation Scholarship Golf Tournament
For 34 years, ExxonMobil and other LIT partners have helped coordinate a golf tournament to benefit our local community and the increasing need for skills and technology training. The 2023 tournament benefiting the Lamar Institute of Technology Foundation was a success thanks to continued support.
The LIT Foundation Scholarship Golf Tournament, will be held on Friday, October 18, 2024.
Funds from this event will benefit the LIT Foundation and student scholarships, many of whom could not continue their education without scholarships.
Continued energy industry investments in Southeast Texas are driving demand for a skilled, technical workforce, and Lamar Institute of Technology plays a major role in providing an education for skilled employees in our area.
We personally hope to see you there.
LIT Foundation
Krista Hunter
P.O. Box 10085
Beaumont, TX 77710
P: 409.839.2956
E: klhunter@lit.edu