Click here for the 2024 Sponsorship Form
The 23nd Annual Lamar Institute of Technology (LIT) A Salute to the Real American Heroes event honoring Southeast Texas first responders will be held Thursday, September 5, 2024, at 6:00 p.m. at the Beaumont Civic Center, 701 Main Street, Beaumont.
All the proceeds from this event benefit the LIT Foundation and provide scholarships for students majoring in Emergency Management and Homeland Security, Criminal Justice, Emergency Medical Technology, Regional Police Academy, and Regional Fire Academy programs at LIT.
Uniformed or civilian clothed first responders, uniformed military personnel, and their guest, are invited to attend for free with a required reservation. Dinner will be provided.We know that you are asked many times to help others and you amaze our community with your generosity. We also know that you hold emergency responders and medical professionals in high regard. The scholarships funded by this event will provide training opportunities for future first responders and make you proud.
We are asking for your support to this event. Contributions and reservations may be made on the attached sponsor form or on the LIT website at www.lit.edu or by mail to Lamar Institute of Technology Foundation. For more information, please contact Krista Hunter by email foundation@lit.edu or (409) 839-2956.
We appreciate your support of LIT students.
Krista Hunter Mary Ann Reid Rod Carroll
LIT Foundation Golden Pass LNG City of VIdor Police Department