Testing Center

Student Placement Exams, Institute Program Exams, National Licensures/Certificates & More

For your convenience, we have fast and secure online registration for testing in the LIT Testing Center. There is an additional $3.50 charge from RegisterBlast, our online payment processing provider. We accept Visa, MasterCard, or PayPal Click below to register.

Lamar Institute of Technology's Testing Center provides a full-service testing facility for students and the community. Assessments are offered in a comfortable, secure testing environment. Exams range from student placement exams, College program exams, national licensures/certificates and state certifications to testing for area business and industry.

Beaumont Location and Contact Information

P: (409) 247-4989
P: (409) 880-8687

PO Box 10043
855 E Lavaca
Eagles' Nest Room 115
Beaumont, TX 77705

Office Hours are Monday-Friday 8:00 AM-5:00 PM
(Hours subject to change during peak registration, campus holidays and specialized
group tests.)

All testing dates, times and prices are subject to change at any time. The Testing Center is closed during all holidays/events that the campus schedules and recognizes.

Please make an appointment for the exam you wish to take.


Lamar Institute of Technology will not refund any test fees for completed examinations or assessments. Students who do not appear for a scheduled examination will not receive a refund. Students that do not call the Testing Center within 24 hours before a scheduled examination will not receive a refund. Lamar Institute of Technology will refund test fees for cancelled exams or assessments if the candidate presents a receipt within 30 days of the exam date or payment transaction.

Testing Procedures

  • Make an appointment

  • Pay for exam.

  • Arrive 15-20 minutes prior to appointment for check in. Late arrival subject to losing seat.

  • You must present a current ID with your signature and photo (school ID or valid/current driver’s license). 

Accommodated Testing

Needs for special accommodations must be identified and documented in the Special Populations Office, located in Student Services in the Eagles' Nest Building in Suite 123 or by contacting (409) 951-5708 or specialpopulations@lit.edu. Once appropriate documentation of disability is reviewed, recommendations will be arranged for testing and the classroom environment. Please alert Testing Center staff of needs well in advance of test date, so arrangements may be made with the office of Special Populations. Local approval for accommodated tests includes: TSI, WorkKeys, CLEP and ATI TEAS. All others must go through the testing company.