Intermediate Computer-Aided Drafting (DFTG 2319);
Course Description: A continuation of practices and techniques used in basic computer-aided drafting including the development and use of prototype drawings, construction of pictorial drawings, extracting data, and basics of 3D.
Present & Past Syllabii
DFTG 2319 syllabus 202310.DFTG2319.1A1 syllabus 202390.DFTG2319.1A1 syllabus 202390.DFTG2319.9T1 syllabus 202390.DFTG2319.9T2 syllabus DFTG2319_1A1_Spring_2024 syllabus DFTG2319_1A1_Spring_2025 syllabusSections and Instructors
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