Advanced Pipe Welding (WLDG 2453);

Course Description: Advanced topics involving welding of pipe using the shielded metal arc welding (SMAW) process. Topics include electrode selection, equipment setup, and safe shop practices. Emphasis on weld positions 5G and 6G using various electrodes. Students must successfully complete a 6G pipe ASME certification. This is a capstone course for the Associate of Applied Science in Welding Technology.

Present & Past Syllabii

WLDG 2453 syllabus     202310.WLDG2453.6A1 syllabus     202310.WLDG2453.6H1 syllabus     202390.WLDG2453.2A1 syllabus     WLDG2453_2A1 & 5A1_Spring_2024 syllabus     WLDG2453_2A1_Fall_2024 syllabus     WLDG2453_5A1_Fall_2024 syllabus     WLDG2453_2A1_Spring_2025 syllabus    

Sections and Instructors

Section: 5A1  Instructor: Alex Lewis
Section: 2A1  Instructor: Alex Lewis

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