Nutrition & Diet Therapy (BIOL 1322);

Course Description: This course introduces general nutritional concepts in health and disease and includes practical applications of that knowledge. Special emphasis is given to nutrients and nutritional processes including functions, food sources, digestion, absorption, and metabolism. Food safety, availability, and nutritional information including food labels, advertising, and nationally established guidelines are addressed. (Cross-listed as HECO 1322)

Present & Past Syllabii

BIOL 1322 Syllabus syllabus     BIOL1322_2A1_Spring_2024 syllabus     BIOL1322_3A1_Spring_2024 syllabus     BIOL1322_2A1_Fall_2024 syllabus     BIOL1322_1A1_Spring_2025 syllabus    

Sections and Instructors

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