Preventive Maintenance (DEMR 1329);

Course Description: An introductory course designed to provide the student with basic knowledge of proper servicing practices. Content includes record keeping and condition of major systems.

Present & Past Syllabii

DEMR 1329 syllabus     202310.DEMR1329.6A1 syllabus     202390.DEMR1329.6A3 syllabus     202390.DEMR1329.9T1 syllabus     DEMR1329_3A3_Fall_2024 syllabus     DEMR1329_5A3_Fall_2024 syllabus    

Sections and Instructors

Section: 6A3  Instructor: Pete Matak
Section: 6A3  Instructor: Pete Matak
Section: 6A3  Instructor: Pete Matak
Section: 6A3  Instructor: Pete Matak
Section: 9T3  Instructor: Troy Burnett
Section: 9T1  Instructor: Troy Burnett

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