Introduction to Special Populations (EDUC 2301);

Course Description: An enriched, integrated pre-service course and content experience that provides an overview of schooling and classrooms from the perspectives of language, gender, socioeconomic status, ethnic and academic diversity, and equity with an emphasis on factors that facilitate learning. The course provides students with opportunities to participate in early field observations of P-12 special populations and should be aligned as applicable with State Board for Educator Certification Pedagogy and Professional Responsibilities standards. Must include a minimum of 16 contact hours of field experience in P-12 classrooms with special populations.

Present & Past Syllabii

EDUC 2301 syllabus     EDUC 2301 2A1 Online Grundy Fall 23 syllabus     EDUC2301_2A1_Spring_2024 syllabus     EDUC2301_2A1_Spring_2025 syllabus    

Sections and Instructors

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