Core Component Area Option (GENL 0903);

Course Description: Course Options: ARTS 1301 - Art Appreciation BIOL 1306 - Biology for Science Majors I BIOL 1307 - Biology for Science Majors II BIOL 2301 - Anatomy and Physiology I BIOL 2302 - Anatomy and Physiology II CHEM 1306 - Introductory Chemistry I CHEM 1311 - General Chemistry I CHEM 1312 - General Chemistry II ECON 2301 - Principles of Macroeconomics ECON 2302 - Principles of Microeconomics ENGL 1302 - Composition II ENGL 2321 - British Literature ENGL 2326 - American Literature HUMA 1315 - Fine Arts Appreciation MATH 1314 - College Algebra MATH 1332 - Contemporary Mathematics MATH 1342 - Elementary Statistical Methods PHIL 1301 - Introduction to Philosophy PSYC 2301 - General Psychology SOCI 1301 - Introduction to Sociology SOCI 1306 - Social Problems SPCH 1318 - Interpersonal Communication

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