Residential Air Conditioning (HART 1441);

Course Description: A study of components, applications, and installation of mechanical air conditioning systems including operating conditions, troubleshooting, repair, and charging of air conditioning systems.

Present & Past Syllabii

HART 1445 - 1A3 syllabus     HART 1441 - 1B2 syllabus     202310.HART1441.1A2 syllabus     202310.HART1441.1A3 syllabus     202310.HART1441.1B2 syllabus     HART1441_1A2_Spring_2024 syllabus     HART1441_1A3_Spring_2024 syllabus     HART1441_1A2_Spring_2025 syllabus     HART1441_1A3_Spring_2025 syllabus    

Sections and Instructors

Section: 1A2  Instructor: Darrell Grissom
Section: 1A2  Instructor: Darrell Grissom
Section: 1A3  Instructor: Jared Villejoin
Section: 1A3  Instructor: Jared Villejoin

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