Special Topics in Chemistry, General (SCIT 1494)

Credits: 4, Lecture Hours: 3, Lab Hours 0

Course Description: Study of the general concepts of chemistry with an emphasis on industrial application.

Present & Past Syllabii

SCIT 1494 Syllabus syllabus    

Sections and Instructors

Section: 1E1  Instructor: Larry Gregory
Section: 1E1  Instructor: Larry Gregory
Section: 1E1  Instructor: Larry Gregory
Section: 1F1  Instructor: Larry Gregory
Section: 1F1  Instructor: Larry Gregory
Section: 1F1  Instructor: Larry Gregory
Section: 1A1  Instructor: Karina Torres
Section: 1A1  Instructor: Karina Torres
Section: 1A1  Instructor: Karina Torres
Section: 1C1  Instructor: Karina Torres
Section: 1C1  Instructor: Karina Torres
Section: 1C1  Instructor: Karina Torres

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