Learning Framework (EDUC 1100);
Course Description: A study of the: research and theory in the psychology of learning, cognition, and motivation; factors that impact learning, and application of learning strategies. Theoretical models of strategic learning, cognition, and motivation serve as the conceptual basis for the introduction of college-level student academic strategies. Students use assessment instruments (e.g., learning inventories) to help them identify their own strengths and weaknesses as strategic learners. Students are ultimately expected to integrate and apply the learning skills discussed across their own academic programs and become effective and efficient learners. Students developing these skills should be able to continually draw from the theoretical models they have learned. (Cross-listed as PSYC 1300). (NOTE: While traditional study skills courses include some of the same learning strategies – e.g., note-taking, reading, test preparation etc. – as learning framework courses, the focus of study skills courses is solely or primarily on skill acquisition. Study skills courses, which are not under-girded by scholarly models of the learning process, are not considered college-level, and, therefore, are distinguishable from Learning Framework courses.)
Present & Past Syllabii
EDUC 1100 921 Online Partain Fall 23 syllabus EDUC 1100 2A1 Online Partain Fall 23 syllabus EDUC 1100 2A1 SPRING 2023 syllabus EDUC1100_2A1_Spring_2024 syllabus EDUC1100_2A1_Summer I_2024 syllabus EDUC1100_2A1, 9M1_Fall_2024 syllabus EDUC1100_9B1_Fall_2024 syllabus EDUC1100_9B2_Fall_2024 syllabus EDUC1100_2A1_Spring_2025 syllabus EDUC1100_9E1_Spring_2025 syllabus EDUC1100_951_Spring_2025 syllabusSections and Instructors
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