Utility Line Technology
Certificate (CERT)
The Utility Line Technology Program prepares students to work in the power line industry as apprentice linemen. The curriculum includes the design and function of electric generation, transmission and distribution systems, substations, transformers, capacitors, voltage regulators, system protection, and metering.What Will I Learn?
Students will learn to climb utility poles, handle highly energized utility lines, and become familiar with commercial vehicles used in the field.

What can I do with this Certificate
Line installers and repairers, also known as line workers, install or repair electrical power systems and telecommunications cables, including fiber optics.Degree Requirements
Complete the 34 SCH in the degree plan.
Program Credits: 34
Lecture Hours: 22
Lab Hours: 38
Lecture Hours: 22
Lab Hours: 38
Before beginning the program, students must make a 4 in the WorkKeys Workplace Documents and Applied Math. Contact the testing center.
Learn more about the tuition and special fees required for this program.
Meet the experienced and dedicated instructors you will learn from as you work to complete this program.