Sexual Misconduct & Title IX Reporting

Use this form to report gender-based discrimination or harassment, including sexual misconduct

Title IX-Sexual Misconduct Incident Report

Lamar Institute of Technology is committed to providing an educational and work environment free from all forms of gender discrimination, sexual harassment, exploitation and intimidation.
If you, or anyone else have experienced dating violence, family or domestic violence, rape, sexual assault, fondling, incest, statutory rape, sexual exploitation, sexual harassment, sexual intimidation, or stalking, please submit this form to report.
Although anonymous submissions are accepted, this limits our ability to gather more information and follow up with the reporter. If you have any questions about filing an incident report, please contact The Title IX Coordinator at (409) 247-4838 or email for reports of Sexual Misconduct.
Once the submission is received, the Title IX office will reach out to the affected parties to discuss next steps and provide informaiton on resources and accommodations.
If you need to report an emergency, call 911 or the LU Police Department at 409-880-7777.

User Type:

Incident Details:

Identify Respondents: ( A Respondent is someone alleged to have been involved in an incident of prohibited conduct under Title IX )

Additional Parties:

Additional Comments

Supporting Documentation (restricted to pictures. limit 1. Must be a jpg extension.