Microbiology for Non-Science Majors (BIOL 2320);

Course Description: This course covers basic microbiology and immunology and is primarily directed at pre-nursing, pre-allied health, and non-science majors. It provides an introduction to historical concepts of the nature of microorganisms, microbial diversity, the importance of microorganisms and acellular agents in the biosphere, and their roles in human and animal diseases. Major topics include bacterial structure as well as growth, physiology, genetics, and biochemistry of microorganisms. Emphasis is on medical microbiology, infectious diseases, and public health.

Present & Past Syllabii

BIOL2320_2A1_Spring_2024 syllabus     BIOL2320_3A1_Spring_2024 syllabus     BIOL2320_2A1_Summer I_2024 syllabus     BIOL2320_2A1_Summer II_2024 syllabus     BIOL2320_2A1_Fall_2024 syllabus     BIOL2320_2B1_Spring_2025 syllabus    

Sections and Instructors

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