Faculty Senate

  1. The Faculty Ssenate of the Institute shall serve as the official body responsible for ascertaining and relaying the advice and opinions of the faculty of LIT. The Faculty Senate shall provide information concerning the faculty opinions and recommendations to the administration in all matters of employee relations. The Faculty Senate shall provide faculty opinion and recommendations on all of the following areas of concern, though its deliberations shall not be limited by them:
    1. Academic procedures
    2. Academic standards, including admissions, progress and graduation
    3. Development leaves and alternative faculty development programs
    4. Faculty recruitment and employment
    5. Faculty research
    6. Faculty retirement, insurance and fringe benefits
    7. Faculty tenure, promotion and termination
    8. Teaching loads
    9. Budget concerns

2024 - 2025 Faculty Senate Members

President - Peter Whittaker
Vice President - Stanley Spooner
Secretary - Christopher Sams
Treasurer/Archivist - Bryan Neal
Representative (Allied Health) - Peter Whittaker
Representative (Allied Health) - Missy Mann
Representative (Business Technologies) - Tim Storbeck
Representative (Business Technologies) - Steven Joiner
Representative (GEDS) - Dexter Babin
Representative (GEDS) - Christopher Sams
Representative (Public Service & Safety) - Trazarra Stelly
Representative (Technology) - Brian Parrack
Representative (Technology) - Stanley Spooner
Representative (At-Large) - Dr. Bryan Barron
Representative (At-Large) - Tena Cobb
Representative (At-Large) - Connie Grass
Representative (At-Large) - Bryan Neal

Suggestions, comments or concerns can be sent to facultysenate@lit.edu.
2024 - 2025 Meeting Schedule
August 30 September 27 October 25 November 22 December 6
January 24 February 28 March 28 April 25 May 9 [pending]

All meetings are held in PATC108 at 12:30PM.

[NOTE:  The December meeting will start at 1:30PM.]
The officers shall be President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer/Archivist. Officers shall be elected annually from the membership following the conclusion of the last regularly scheduled meeting of the spring semester. Newly elected officers will officially hold office from the first regularly scheduled meeting of the following fall semester (September). Representatives running for the office of the President must have served on the Faculty Senate for at least 1 year.
Term in Office
Members of the full-time contract faculty shall be elected to the senate for two-year (2) terms, with one-half of the members elected each March. The terms of office shall begin the first day of the fall semester. Holdover senators and newly elected senators will elect officers in May for the coming year; however, during the summer months, the senate and officers of the preceding year shall continue in office.
An officer may be elected to the same office for two (2) consecutive terms. After a lapse of one (1) year, the individual is eligible again for election to that same office. The individual may be elected to a different office without the one-year lapse.
The voting faculty shall consist of all full-time contract faculty who have completed a least one academic year, excluding anyone whose administrative assignments warrant half-time or more of release time, and also excluding Instructional Department Chairs and all other administrators above that level. The eligible voters shall constitute the voting faculty.

All members of the voting faculty shall be eligible to serve on the faculty senate.