Legal Aspects of Law Enforce (CRIJ 2323);
Course Description: Police authority; responsibilities; constitutional constraints; laws of arrest, search, and seizure; police liability.
Present & Past Syllabii
CRIJ 2323 Online syllabus CRIJ 2323 syllabus Legal Aspects of Law Enforcement (face-to-face) syllabus Legal Aspects of Law Enforcement (online) Dual Credit syllabus CRIJ 2323 Legal Aspects of Law Enforcement (1st 8 weeks) syllabus CRIJ2323_1A1_Spring_2024 syllabus CRIJ2323_2A1_Fall_2024 syllabus CRIJ2323_2A1_Spring_2025 syllabusSections and Instructors
Section: 2A1
Instructor: Trazarra Stelly
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