Grading System

Policies and Procedures
A Excellent
B Good
C Satisfactory
D Poor
F Failure
I Incomplete
W Withdrawn
Q Course was dropped
S Credit
U Unsatisfactory
NG No grade

The grade of W or Q is given if the withdrawal or drop is made before the penalty date (see Dropping Course) or if the student is passing at the time of withdrawal or drop.

The grade of I may be given when any requirement of the course, including the final examination, is not completed. Arrangements to complete deficiencies in a course should be made with the instructor. Incomplete work must be finished during the next long semester, or the Office of Records will change the I grade to the grade of F. The course must then be repeated if credit is desired. An I grade also automatically becomes an F if the student re-registers for the course before removing the deficiencies and receiving a grade change.

The instructor may record the grade of F for a student who is absent from the final examinations and is not passing the course.

Semester grades are filed with the Office of Records. A grade may not be recorded for a student not officially enrolled in a course. A grade may not be corrected or changed without the written authorization of the instructor giving the grade. A statement explaining the reason for the change should accompany the written instruction for a grade change.

A student desiring to register for a course to receive a grade of NG (No Grade) must have the written approval from the major department chair, instructor and instructor's department chair as well as Records Office verification. Student semester hours attempted will be reduced by the appropriate number of hours.

Students are responsible for completing and filing the appropriate petition form with the Records Office. The deadline each semester for filing the petition for NG with the Records Office is the same as the deadline for dropping or withdrawing from a course without penalty.

Grade Point Average Computation

The grade point average is a measure of the student's overall academic performance and is used in the determination of academic standing, rank in class, eligibility for graduation, etc. Grade point averages are computed separately for Institute and academic records, except for honors and certain special degree requirements.

In order to compute grade averages, grade points are assigned to letter grades as follows: to the grade "A", 4 points; to "B", 3 points; to "C", 2 points; to "D", 1 point, and to "F", "I", "S", "U", "NG", "W", 0 points. The number of grade points earned in a course is obtained by multiplying the number of semester hours credit by the number of points assigned to the grade made in the course.

The grade point average is calculated by dividing the total number of grade points earned by the total number of semester hours attempted in courses for which the grades "A", "B", "C,", "D", "F", and "I" are assigned. For grades "S", "U", "NG", "W", and "Q", neither semester hours nor grade points are used in the computation of the grade point average. Hours attempted include all work taken whether passed, failed or repeated. Courses in which a grade of "S" or "U" is assigned are used in calculating a student's semester hour load.

Grade Point Adjustment

A student registered in a certificate or associate degree program at the Institute of Technology may apply for grade point adjustment for a failing grade of "F" or "U". After the course is successfully repeated at the Institute of Technology, the student must file a request for grade point adjustment with the departmental office. Upon request, only the passing grade and its associated grade points will be applied toward any certificate or associate degree. Adjusted grade point averages may be disregarded for students who enter another college.

Final Grade Report

Reports on grades are mailed at the end of each semester or summer term. These reports include the semester grades and the grade point average for the semester and for all work attempted at the Institute of Technology. Students should report any errors or discrepancies to their departmental office.

President's List

Lamar Institute of Technology recognizes students that achieve academic excellence. Full-time students who complete twelve (12) or more semester credit hours and have earned a 4.0 grade point average for the fall or spring semester are included on the President's List. Developmental courses are not included in this honor. The President's List is announced by the President.

Vice President's List

Full-time students who complete twelve (12) or more semester credit hours and have earned a 3.40 to 3.99 grade point average for the fall or spring semesters are included on the Vice President's List. Developmental courses are not included in this honor. The Vice President's List is announced by the Executive Vice President/Provost.

Scholastic Probation and Suspension

Students are expected to maintain a minimum of a "C" or 2.0 grade point average. Grade point deficiencies result when the total grade points accumulated are less than twice the number of semester hours attempted. Students with a grade point deficiency shall be placed on scholastic probation and continued on probation as long as a deficiency exists. Students with a grade point deficiency of 25 or more grade points at the end of the fall, spring, or summer shall be suspended. Academic suspension designates the loss of "good academic standing" and disruption of "satisfactory progress" toward degree completion. Students suspended from fall, spring or summer semesters by this action may attend the summer session on probation. Students with a grade point deficiency less than 25 at the close of the summer session will automatically be reinstated and may register for the following fall semester. Students with a grade point deficiency of 25 or more at the end of the fall, spring or summer session must obtain approval for probationary re-enrollment from the chair of their respective departments.

Students wishing to return to the Institute of Technology after an absence and who are 25 or more grade points deficient must obtain written permission from the chair of their respective departments or the Vice President for Academic Affairs prior to being accepted for readmission for either a fall or spring semester. The scholastic probation and suspension policy is subject to change without notice.

Academic Appeals Procedure

After an enrollment lapse of four or more years from the Institute of Technology and after completing successfully 24 or more semester hours of work with a 2.2 grade point average or higher at Lamar Institute of Technology, a student may petition to disregard a maximum of two entire successive semesters of work taken previously at the Institute. The petition shall be filed with the department chair whose recommendation will be forwarded to the Vice President for Academic Affairs for a final decision. After being approved, disregarded work shall not count in determining the student's grade point average for academic progress or for graduation; however, it shall remain on the transcript with an appropriate notation, and it shall be used in determining honors.