Documentation Guidelines

You will have to provide current documentation from a licensed or certified professional qualified to treat and diagnose the disability. This can include medical documentation, such as a letter from your provider, or a full evaluation or diagnostic report. 504, IEP and ARD paperwork from 9th-12th Grade can be used as well. Below are some essential requirements we look for and why we may request further documentation.

  • Disability diagnosis
  • Functional limitations, length of time or impact of disability
  • Medications, side effects, and treatment (if applicable)
  • Recommended accommodations and rationale
  • Any assessments, findings, or scores
  • If from a physician or medical professional, information needs to be on letterhead with contact information and some form of signature
  • Older documentation is appropriate when the student's age is greater or equal to seventeen (17) years at the time of the evaluation (this is used when the diagnosis is a learning disability)

Please make sure all documentation is as recent as possible. The Office of Special Populations reserves the right to request additional information or evaluation. If you have any questions about the documentation that is requested, please feel free to contact the Office of Special Populations.