COVID-19 Return to Campus Plan
LIT to resume on-campus operations and face-to-face, online and hybrid format instruction for the Fall 2020 semester.
Lamar Institute of Technology (LIT) has prepared for the Fall 2020 semester during COVID-19 to assure the health and safety of our students, employees and visitors. This document outlines the procedures that follow Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) guidelines. A phased in return to campus occurred over the summer and with COVID-19 still a concern, safety precautions are still in place. View and download LIT's COVID-19 Return to Campus Plan.
LIT plans to resume face-to-face lecture instruction beginning Fall 2020 semester
BEAUMONT— Lamar Institute of Technology (LIT) will resume face-to-face lecture instruction starting the fall 2020 semester.
LIT President Lonnie L. Howard said, "it is going to be exciting to have everyone back on campus again, but we are going to do this in a very safe and responsible way. The health of our students, faculty and staff remains the institution's highest priority."
Through CARES Act funding, LIT has also received $1.8 million to assist qualified students and has nearly $70,000 in additional resources for scholarships this summer semester. Registration is open, and these resources are available on a first-come, first-served basis.
Enrolling over 8,000 academic, technical and workforce students, the Golden Triangle depends on LIT graduates to help sustain the economic vitality of Southeast Texas.
Dr. Howard said, "with a 95 percent job placement rate, the college remains strategically positioned to help both the underemployed as well as the unemployed attain skills that will lead to a livable wage. In turn, these individuals can better support their families, our local tax base and become contributing members of society."
As the college plans to reopen for the fall semester, unless otherwise advised, standard safety protocols will remain in place, including social distancing, face coverings and enhanced cleaning and disinfecting. Additionally, LIT will continue to follow guidance from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the Texas Governor, Jefferson County Judge and the Mayor of Beaumont.
Off-campus student self-reports testing positive for COVID-19, LIT staying the course
BEAUMONT – A Lamar Institute of Technology student self-reported the college’s first case of COVID-19. This student has been off-campus since March 10, was enrolled online, and has had no physical contact with any other LIT students or employees.Despite national travel advisements, the student took an out-of-state trip during spring break, then started displaying symptoms, but had the foresight to self-quarantine. As an update, the student has since recovered, all classrooms have been deep cleaned and sanitized, the faculty of record were notified, and the student will not return to campus.
President Lonnie L. Howard said, “I am so grateful that the student has recovered, the college’s safety protocols are working, and we will continue to adhere to the intent of Governor Abbott’s Executive Order (No. GA-16). Based on this order, mandates from our county and local leaders, and the guidance from the medical community, we will stay the course a little while longer.”
LIT will remain closed for in-person instruction for about the next two weeks until the spring semester ends. Although, some essential staff and training might return before then. Regarding the spring semester, the college has over 4,300 credit and non-credit students enrolled, and all but about 290 will be able to fully complete due to missing hands-on training (labs). LIT is offering these students an opportunity to come back at no cost during the summer or a later semester and finish this training. In accordance with Executive Order No. GA-16, certain career and technical programs are allowed to resume hands-on training (labs) under strict CDC guidelines.
Students should start planning now to attend this summer and fall. Financial Aid and Pell Grants are available, and LIT could receive an unprecedented $1,836,000 from the federal CARES Act that might help with tuition, housing, childcare, etc. To be eligible for Financial Aid and Pell Grants, students will need to complete FAFSA applications at The CARES Act application information is available at
As we attempt to measure the impact of the Coronavirus (COVID-19) on our students and institution, we need your assistance by answering a few questions. This information is being collected to identify the needs of our students and potential CARES Act & Scholarship Applicants for the Financial Aid & Development/Foundation Offices.
Please click here to complete the survey: COVID-19/CARES Act Assistance Survey Spring 2020 Semester
Please continue to monitor for any available updates.
Lamar Institute of Technology Virtual Press Conference LIT’s Student Success Building April 8, 2020
LIT plans to have ‘essential’ employees and labs (10 or less individuals) return on or before April 30, otherwise, the semester will conclude remotely. Faculty, staff, and students will be receiving additional information about Summer and Fall registration as well as, the City of Beaumont, Mayor Ames' COVID-19 Updates Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19)

Do you have questions or concerns about the college related to COVID-19? We are here to help. Email 24/7 and get a response within 24 hours. LIT is committed to your success during this pandemic.
LIT Family,
While this COVID-19 situation continues to change hour-by-hour, Lamar Institute of Technology (LIT) will continue to work remotely and use alternative/distance learning methodologies through the end of the semester. However, essential instructional and operational staff may return on April 13 (utilizing social distancing and increased hygiene protocols).
However, we are [very] aware that several counties have issued “stay home orders.” Should this occur in our area; we will consult our state system as well as local elected officials to seek guidance and best determine what this might mean for LIT. To be proactive, Dr. Mix (our provost) has begun to research this matter now. Additionally, Spring 2020 Commencement is canceled, and we will be surveying prospective ‘graduates’ to select a preferred date.
Keep in mind that we have survived Harvey, Imelda, and we will survive this too. Conversely, this is not to say it will be easy. As your president, I realize the gravity and difficulty of this situation. Let’s continue to be flexible, understanding, and keep students first. As new information comes to light, we will send updates and posts via our website, local media, and social media.
· Follow CDC sanitary and hygiene guidelines.
· March 23 - End of Spring Semester - Students are required to remain off-campus using ‘alternative’ or ‘distance’ learning formats. Please continue to monitor Lamar Institute of Technology’s webpage for up-to-date information:
· Follow CDC sanitary and hygiene guidelines.
· March 23- End of Spring Semester - Continue the migration of courses to the Blackboard platform and engage students to continue to work on assignments, read their textbooks, and other lecture materials (refer to supervisor to verify if classified as essential and will return on April 13).
· Follow CDC sanitary and hygiene guidelines.
· March 23 - End of Spring Semester - Work remotely and/or telework if applicable (refer to supervisor to verify if classified as essential and will return on April 13).
External Stakeholders:
· Please continue to monitor Lamar Institute of Technology’s webpage for up-to-date information:
Large Group Gatherings:
All large events (on or off-campus) at LIT are cancelled until further notice.
All LIT facilities received a ‘deep clean’ Friday (March 20) and Saturday (March 21). Cleaning staff will continue this effort by utilizing disinfecting cleaners.
· LIT has discontinued ALL out-of-state travel without the approval of the President until further notice.
· Students, Faculty, and Staff are strongly advised not to travel internationally for Spring Break per the CDC.
Thanks for all you do,
Lonnie L. Howard
Please see the following for more information:
Travel Advisory:Click here for U.S. Department of State >
What are symptoms of the Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19)?
- For the vast majority of people who have had the illness, symptoms were mild (like a cold or flu) and they resolved after several days. Flu like symptoms include fever, cough, shortness of breath, and sore throat.
- If a 2019 N-CoV virus is confirmed, then Centers for Disease Control protocols will be followed. Those who have had close contact with the patient will be contacted and monitored by the Jefferson County Health Department.
- Contact your medical provider.
- Department of State Health Services updates, visit here >
- Information from the CDC about the 2019-nCoV virus, visit here >
- Additional information from the CDC, visit here >
- Everyone 6 months and older is encouraged to get a flu shot.
- Wash your hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds. If soap and water are not available, use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer.
- Avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth with unwashed hands.
- Avoid close contact with people who are sick.
- Stay home when you are sick.
- Cover your cough or sneeze with a tissue, then throw the tissue in the trash.
- Clean and disinfect frequently touched objects and surfaces.
Frequently Asked Questions
What is 2019 Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19)?
2019 Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) is a virus (more specifically, a coronavirus) identified as the cause of an outbreak of respiratory illness first detected in Wuhan, China. Chinese authorities identified the new coronavirus, which has resulted in hundreds of confirmed cases in China, including cases outside Wuhan, with additional cases being identified in a growing number of countries internationally. The latest situation summary updates are available on CDC’s web page 2019 Novel Coronavirus, Wuhan, China.
Is COVID-19 the same as the SARS virus or MERS?
No. COVID-19 is not the same coronavirus that caused severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) in 2003 and Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS) in 2012, but is similar in that it is causing respiratory illness.
What are the symptoms of COVID-19?
People who are infected with COVID-19 have developed mild to severe respiratory illness with symptoms including fever, cough, shortness of breath, and potentially respiratory distress. There are many types of illnesses that can cause these types of respiratory symptoms. Individuals who have these symptoms and have had traveled to Wuhan, China or have had close contact with someone with COVID-19 should be medically evaluated.
Does COVID-19 spread from person to person?
COVID-19 has been shown to spread between people. It’s not clear yet how easily 2019-nCoV spreads from person-to-person. Human coronaviruses typically spread through the air by coughing and sneezing.
How is COVID-19 diagnosed?
Diagnosis occurs through laboratory testing of respiratory specimens and serum (blood). Some coronavirus strains cause the common cold and patients tested by their health care provider may test positive for these types. The COVID-19 strain can only be detected at a public health laboratory.
Is there a vaccine?
Currently, there is not a vaccine for COVID-19.
How can I help protect myself?
CDC advises that people follow these tips to help prevent respiratory illnesses:
- Wash your hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds. If soap and water are not available, use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer.
- Avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth with unwashed hands.
- Avoid close contact with people who are sick with respiratory symptoms.
- Stay home when you are sick.
- Cover your cough or sneeze with a tissue, then throw the tissue in the trash.
- Clean and disinfect frequently touched objects and surfaces.
Traveling Instructions
With Spring Break (March 16-20) approaching, please be sure to refer to the CDC's travel notices when scheduling trips outside of the U.S. as certain countries may lead to difficulties returning to home. China, Iran, Italy and South Korea are classified as Level 3 Health Travel Notices. CDC recommends that travelers avoid all nonessential travel to the following destinations. Entry of foreign nationals from these destinations has been suspended.