Online Learning - Explained
There are many advantages to taking an online course! Through the use of videos, PDFs, podcasts, live lectures, recorded lectures and many more, students are now, more then ever, able to complete their education from where they are! Online learning has a way of being able to accomodate a variety of learning styles, and ease of access for students unable to complete school work during the day or early evening.
Taking an online class involves more than attending a face-to-face traditional classroom prepared with textbook, pen/pencil and completed assignments. The online environment involves technical issues like operating system and browser requirements, plus a wide range of computer skills including program/file management, communication and troubleshooting.
The following frequently asked questions below will help you identify and prepare for the challenges of an online course:
Is distance learning right for me?
How do I register for an online course?
What should I do before class starts?
What should I do the first day of class?