Base Integrated Read & Write (INRW 0373);
Course Description: Integration of critical reading and academic writing skills. This course does not fulfill TSI requirements for reading and/or writing.
Present & Past Syllabii
INRW 0373 syllabus INRW 0373 Fall 2017 syllabus INRW 0373 Fall 2018 syllabus INRW 0373 Online syllabus INRW 0373_3B1 syllabus INRW 0373_2A1 syllabus INRW 0373_2B1 syllabus INRW0373_3A4_Spring_2024 syllabus INRW0373_3A1_Spring_2024 syllabus INRW0373_3B1_Spring_2024 syllabus INRW0373_2B1_Spring_2024 syllabus INRW0373_3A1_Summer I_2024 syllabus INRW0373_2A1_Fall_2024 syllabus INRW0373_3A1_Fall_2024 syllabus INRW0373_3D1_Fall_2024 syllabus INRW0373_3B1_Fall_2024 syllabus INRW0373_2C1 _Fall_2024 syllabus INRW0373_3C1_Fall_2024 syllabusSections and Instructors
Section: 1A1
Instructor: Chelsey Galloway
Section: 1A1
Instructor: Chelsey Galloway
Section: 1A4
Instructor: Patricia Culbertson
Section: 1A4
Instructor: Patricia Culbertson
Section: 1C1
Instructor: Vicki Marshall
Section: 1C1
Instructor: Vicki Marshall
Section: 1D1
Instructor: Patricia Culbertson
Section: 1D1
Instructor: Patricia Culbertson
Section: 1E1
Instructor: Rita McClelland
Section: 1E1
Instructor: Rita McClelland
Section: 2F1
Instructor: Raul Martin
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