
Testing Center

Lamar Institute of Technology's Testing Center is an authorized PearsonVUE Testing Center, located in the Eagles' Nest Building room 115. The Eagles' Nest Building is located in the rear of the campus. Adjacent parking can be found in the parking lot on University Street.  Landmarks include a mock refinery attached to our building, a green dumpster and the LIT CERT trailer. 

PearsonVUE Authorized Test Centers are privately owned or third-party testing facilities providing on-site, on-demand testing for certification and professional licensure exams. Partnering with PearsonVUE allows the Institute to offer certification testing on campus.

PearsonVUE provides a full suite of services, from test development to data management, and delivers exams through the world’s most comprehensive and secure network of test centers in more than 175 countries. PearsonVUE is a business of Pearson (NYSE: PSO; LSE: PSON), the international education company, whose businesses also include the Financial Times Group, Pearson Education and the Penguin Group.

To view and register for exams, please visit PearsonVUE Testing. The Testing Center cannot register examinees for most of the PearsonVUE exams. We will happily register CompTIA, PTCB, Texas Real Estate, NREMT, GED and a few others. An account with the testing sponsor must be set up before contacting us for registration. Advanced authorization may be needed for some exams from the sponsor. 

Due to security reasons, we do not deliver every exam offered through Pearson VUE. Some exams must be taken at a PearsonVUE Professional Center, the closest of which is in Houston, TX.

See PearsonVUE for information about requesting all accommodations.

Additional registration and contact information for certain exams:

TExES Exams: 1-800-989-8532
Texas Insurance: 1-888-754-7667
Texas Real Estate: 1-800-997-1248
GED: 1-877-392-6433 or
ICC: 1-800-275-8301
NES: 1-800-877-4599
NREMT: 1-866-673-6896

LIT Testing Center
855 E Lavaca
Eagles' Nest Building Room 115
Beaumont, TX 77705

(409) 247-4989 or (409) 241-9701