Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ)
All licensing applicants must be pre-approved by the TCEQ before applicants are eligible to take a CBT. Once approved, the applicant will be eligible to attempt a total of four tests during a one-year approval period (first initial test plus up to three retests). Only eligible tests for that individual will be available for them to take. The CBT application will not allow an individual access to a licensing test if he/she is not eligible to retest. Candidates are allowed to immediately retest after failing the first three of four tests during his/her one year approval period. Sufficient time should be scheduled for the immediate retest if the candidate indicates they want to take advantage of this option.
Examinations available for CBT by Licensing Program
Backflow Prevention Assembly Tester (BPAT) - written portion Customer Service Inspectors
Landscape Irrigation
Landscape Irrigation Inspector
Landscape Irrigation (6 hour time limit)
Landscape Irrigation Technician (Spanish translation instructions available )
Leaking Petroleum Storage Tank (LPST)
Municipal Solid Waste Facility Supervisors
Class A (4 hour time limit)
Class B (2 hour time limit)
On-site Sewage Facility (OSSF)
OSSF Maintenance Provider
OSSF Designated Representative
OSSF Installer I
OSSF Installer II
Underground Storage Tank (UST) On-Site Supervisor
Wastewater Treatment and Collection System Operators
Class I Wastewater Collection System Operator
Class II Wastewater Collection System Operator
Class III Wastewater Collection System Operator
Class A Wastewater Treatment Facility Operator (6 hour time limit)
Class B Wastewater Treatment Facility Operator
Class C Wastewater Treatment Facility Operator (Spanish translation instructions available )
Class D Wastewater Treatment Facility Operator (Spanish translation instructions available )
Water Treatment and Distribution System Operators
Class A Water Operator (6 hour time limit)
Class B Groundwater Operator
Class B Surface Water Operator
Class B Water Distribution
Class C Groundwater Operator (Spanish translation instructions available )
Class C Surface Water Operator (Spanish translation instructions available )
Class C Water Distribution (Spanish translation instructions available )
Class D Water (Spanish translation instructions available )
Water Treatment Specialists
Class III
Class II
Class I
NOTE: All exams have a three-hour time limit unless otherwise noted.
For more information, visit https://www.tceq.texas.gov/licensing/exams/Exams. To make an appointment, please call the Testing Center at 409-247-4989 or 409-241-9701. LIT charges a sitting fee of $25.00 per exam. Testing is located in the Eagles' Nest Building Room 115.
Accommodations are processed through TCEQ.